Newsletter Guidelines


Deadline for submitting info for the April newsletter is March 9 (earlier is appreciated).

General News, Special Features

Henry Brashen ’64
Send to HenryMB [@] aol [dot] com
Longtime Gazette Editor Carolyn Emmons Carpp ’54 retired in October 2023. Thank you for all your hard work, Carolyn!

Class News

Submit class news to your Class Rep instead.


Submit by attachment to email.


Jackie Wright Cross ’64
jwrightlady [@] hotmail [dot] com

Change of Mailing Address

Send Change of Address to the GGG Membership Chair

GGG Membership Chair
P.O. Box 55065
Shoreline, WA 98155-0965
Membership Chair Julie Meacham, juliemeacham [@] comcast [dot] net