Dish Towels

Robin bylineI may be one of the last people around to use linen, cotton, or muslin dish towels. I cannot remember a time when there wasn’t a stack in some drawer, beginning in Montlake! So, an inherited habit.

Recently I was drawn to dish towels on sale at our co-op and elsewhere. They are a heavy linen on which are printed wonderful designs inspired by nature, AND the concept and printing were done on Lopez Island. I sent one to Maud and am inspired to send one to Kelly and one to Rachel. Realizing that each of the towels I have is connected to family or friend has given them a different meaning.

Currently I’m looking at a flour sack towel imprinted with a brilliant orangey-red Dungeness crab. It was given to me by friend Mary, who no longer lives here. I have one from France that I bought at Rose’s, thinking how much I appreciated Joni’s great taste. I’ve worn a hole in it! A second one of similar origin came from a Paris trip taken by Kelly and Gemma. I love it. Yet another, with a botanical theme, came to me as a result of a trip to England by Suzy and Bob. I have several from Jane with images of life in New Zealand. When Rachel and I visited in Philadelphia a few years ago, she gave me one of the city skyline. Her own design and execution – very appropriately architectural for this fine architect. Nikki added one with a very favorite leafy design and another with sheafs of wheat. Of course, there are several from Sweden that I treasure.

It only recently occurred to me that I think of all these friends each time I use the towels. They have acquired meaning that transcends utility and surely mirror the old advertising phrase, “the gift that keeps on giving.” I’m grateful for the reminders, and particularly, the friends. Thanks to those here and to those gone.