April 30, 2024
Dear Garfield Golden Grad alumni, friends and students,
We are delighted to hear from you and to learn about your achievements and experiences since graduating from our school. We would like to use this letter as an opportunity to share some information with you and to invite you to take part in our alumni community.
First, we would love to hear about your class reunions, activities, and personal updates. If you have any photos, stories, or news that you would like to share with us and your fellow alumni, please send them to us by email or mail. We will post them on our website and newsletter, so that everyone can celebrate your accomplishments and milestones.
Second, we would like to know what topics you are interested in and what questions you have for us. Do you want to know more about the current state of our school, the programs and opportunities we offer, or the ways you can get involved and support our students? Do you have any suggestions or feedback for us on how to improve our alumni relations and communications? Please let us know by contacting us at gggwebsite1964@gmail.com. We value your input, and we want to serve you better.
Third, we would like to invite you to connect with us and your classmates on social media. You can also join our online groups and forums, where you can chat with your peers, exchange ideas, and network. Please send us the links to your social media profiles, so that we can add you to our list and keep in touch.
We hope you enjoyed this letter, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or comments. We are always happy to hear from our Garfield Golden Grad Alumni!
Pat Mouton
Website Manager